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Feed items 1 - 10 of 17 for January 2005

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Hotlanta - January 30, 2005

I wish I were there now it was minus 2 in South Bend a couple of nights ago. So here's a webtour of Atlanta (via Atlantalarry). One of photos, below, shows a building characteristic of Southern classicism circa 1910 from Virginia to Georgia. You can almost smell the kudzu....

“Chaos in the City. Architecture, Modernism and Peak Oil Production - Jim Kunstler Interview” - January 30, 2005

There's an interesting interview with Jim Kunstler at threemonkeysonline. Scroll through most of the first page to get to the start of the interview itself.

Jimbo, New Urbanism & Sex - January 30, 2005

I have an e-mail from Jim Kunstler that's one of the funniest things I've ever read. He sent it to me after the first meeting of the Congress for the New Urbanism. The CNU now has 3,500 members, but the first congress had 200 attendees, most of them meeting the...

The Invasion of the Pod People <br>(A UFO Grows in Crooklyn) - January 20, 2005

via Naperstek (via Curbed)

Wanna buy a CoolTown - January 16, 2005

Click here.

CNU Chairman New Director of the <br>Prince's Foundation - January 16, 2005

From the Daily Telegraph, the conservative, upmarket British newspaper: With middle-class protests about road-building for one of UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's new urban "growth areas" planned to begin on Monday, it takes a steady nerve to argue that Britain's new towns could indeed be what Mr Prescott describes...

interlude - January 9, 2005

I 'm on my way to South Bend, Indiana to teach this semester at Notre Dame's School of Architecture. They're the only accredited architecture school in North America with a curriculum based on the principles of Classical design. They're also very strong in New Urbanism. In the meantime, there were...

intuition - January 9, 2005

People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind. - William Butler Yeats I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert...

briggs-myer personality test - January 9, 2005

For an explanation of these Jungian tests, click here. For an analysis of the results, click here. I'm an INFJ

%&! FedEx - January 9, 2005

FedEx used to be a good company. They got everything where it was supposed to be, on time and for a reasonable price. If they made a mistake they apologized and fixed the problem. Here's what they've done for me lately: 1) On December 22nd, I shipped CT scans and...
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