Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismEat Like A Roman- October 30, 2005 Another good book on Italian food from my friend Maureen Fant, who lives in Rome and writes about Italian restaurants and food for the New York Times. To buy the book, click here. Prince Charles on 60 Minutes Tonight- October 30, 2005 From tonight's interview on 60 Minutes: What Ive tried to do is to put my money where my mouth is as much as I can. by actually creating models on the ground," he says, gesturing to the buildings of Poundbury, a village he has developed that is built of... Prince Charles Wins Vincent Scully Prize- October 30, 2005 The Prince of Wales to Accept Award and Speaks in Washington on November 3, 2005 WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 PRNewswire -- The National Building Museum today announces it will present the Vincent Scully Prize to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. The award recognizes The Prince's long-standing interest in the... What do they have in common- October 30, 2005 What do Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt, Lenny Kravitz, Darth Vader, Carl Everett and George Costanza have in common They all want to be architects. Katrina Commission Newsletter- October 30, 2005 eNewsletter from the Governors Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding and Renewal Friday, October 28, 2005 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN, JIM BARKSDALE Dear Friend, When Governor Barbour asked me to chair the Governors Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding, and Renewal, I promised him we would have a report of recommendations completed... Katrina Commentary from City Comforts- October 30, 2005 Developer and City Comforts author David Sucher comments on commentary on the Katrina charrette on his blog in I am puzzled. He mentions a post by architect blogger Nancy Levinson, who falls somewhere between Kamin and Kroloff in her views of New Urbanism. (Note to Levinson: Real blogs take... Happy Halloween- October 29, 2005 You are what you build. The Truth Shall Set You Free, The Suburbs Shall Make You Fat and Sick- October 29, 2005 From Canadian TV: The reports demonstrated that the suburbs have higher incidence of cardiovascular and lung diseases including asthma in children, as well as cancer, diabetes, obesity, traffic injuries and deaths. It concluded that air pollution, gridlock, traffic accidents, lack of physical activity and negative social impacts such as road... Black Is The New Black- October 27, 2005 Again The Grist: We Rebuilt This City- October 25, 2005 The Grist asks a mess of smart people and bigwigs, including Christie Todd Whitman. what should be done in the Big Easy. Click here for more. |