Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismAll New Freedom Tower- June 29, 2005 UPDATE: Former DPZ honcho Jeff Speck, appointed by the Bush White House to be Director of Design at the NEA, e-mailed a letter today criticizing the Freedom Tower: ""We must ask ourselves what it says about our nation to produce a 'Freedom Tower' hiding behind twenty-stories of solid concrete. Better... Nicolai Ouroussoff: blinded by ideology- June 29, 2005 CLICK ON THE PICTURE ABOVE so you can see a larger version of this rendering of a new design for the Lower East Side. Now look at what the New York Times architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff wrote about it: Along with the High Line - which transforms a section of... Quote of the Day at the “Sculpture for Living”- June 28, 2005 COULD THIS BE the dawn of a second golden age for modern architecture in New York If the new Astor Place residential building by Gwathmey Siegel is any indication, the answer is no. Advertisements may tout the tortured tower as "Sculpture for Living," but no amount of pretentious hype can... “The 2 Columbus Circle Game”- June 28, 2005 New York Intelligencer, July 4, 2005 by Tom Wolfe Was the Landmarks commissioner a little too close to the side that wants it destroyed A would-be savior of Edward Durell Stones building looks at the latest, most dramatic twist in the citys preservation drama. At 9:49 A.M., Bob e-mails Laurie:... New Urban Development Named "Most Authentic" Community — Beats Out Stepford, Connecticut- June 27, 2005 London Times Book Review: "Are Architects Venal, Vacuous and Ego-Driven- June 24, 2005 Are architects venal, vacuous and ego-driven Jonathan Meades considers new evidence The Times, June 15 2005 In Belgium the phrase espce darchitecte is a grave insult. Deyan Sudjic has, for more than a quarter of a century, written about architecture, edited architectural magazines (Blueprint, Domus), curated architectural exhibitions. He has... Up On the Roof- June 23, 2005 SOMETHING CALLED "THE NEW DISCOURSE" is starting up among traditional architects. In a nutshell, its a discussion of the contemporary practice of traditional architecture for practitioners not represented by the academic and conservative arguments usually heard today. Until now, the discussion of contemporary traditional design has been firmly rooted in... The New Brooklyns in the New York Times- June 20, 2005 GOOGLE "New Brooklyn" and you'll get about 19,900 hits. Brooklyn was hard hit by Robert Moses and White Flight in the 1960s, but for years it's been the destination of choice for hip Manhattanites with kids, and more recently it's been the hippest destination for the hip but poor under... URBANLOVERS Newsletter I- June 17, 2005 URBANLOVERS is an online newsletter from Italian architect Gabriele Tagliaventi, a great force for change in Europe. Steve Bass - "Proportional Advocacy, Part I"- June 17, 2005 STEVE BASS is a friend who teaches proportion at the ICA&CA and writes a monthly newsletter, still distributed the old-fashioned way (snail mail). He has a website coming soon, but in the meantime, here's an article from his most recent newsletter: Proportional Advocacy, Part I Current day attitudes toward the... |