Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismDisney Hall- June 16, 2005 DISNEY HALL doesn't photograph well. Because of that, I went with low expectations. But like many people at CNU XIII, I enjoyed visiting the building. Standing in front of the building, it radiates a joyful exuberance, and climbing the stairs and ramps which move around behind the titanium "sails" is... And We'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun 'til Our Daddy Takes Our T'bird Away- June 13, 2005 There are seven parking spaces for every car in Southern California, where there are no homeless cars, only homeless people. If we continue to import our way our life and jobs to China, by 2010 they'll have 80 billion parking spaces, and we'll have no oil. (Thanks, Rick Cole) PS: Hu's Your Daddy- June 13, 2005 Hu Takes Full Power in China As He Gains Control of Military, by Joseph Kahn, New York Times, September 20, 2004, Section A, Page 1, Column 1 CNU XIII - No items for The Gutter- June 12, 2005 The Gutter had lots of news from the recent AIA Convention in Las Vegas. But there's no controversial news to report from CNU XIII in Pasadena we're all just having a good time. Continuing its policy of embracing what works, the CNU gave an urban design award to Frank... Villagairoso at CNU XIII- June 11, 2005 Los Angeles Mayor Elect Antonio Villagairoso addressed the opening session of CNU XIII Thursday night. Villagairoso may be America's next great urban design mayor. Life's A Blog- June 9, 2005 The Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. CNU XIII starts today in Pasadena. Image of the Day- June 5, 2005 A perspective by Notre Dame architecture student Charity Sadoy, showing the Two Family Rowhouses she designed for the Fan District in a proposed neighborhood around Yankee Stadium. For more images, click here. PDF of the Day - “Green Manhattan”- June 5, 2005 Why New York is the greenest city in the U.S. By David Owen Published in The New Yorker 101804 My wife and I got married right out of college, in 1978. We were young and nave and unashamedly idealistic, and we decided to make our first home in a utopian... Bubblemania, or Bubblelicious- June 4, 2005 (via Curbed) Back to the Cities- June 4, 2005 You can't travel around America without noticing that people are moving back to large and small cities everywhere. I particularly see this in the South, but according to this book, there are 26,000 residents downtown in Minneapolis. Neil Takemoto covers this at his blog CoolTown Studios. BTW, exactly 100 years... |