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Feed items 11 - 20 of 23 for March 2005

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Driehaus Winner On The Radio - March 26, 2005

Driehaus winner Quinlan Terry was interviewed by Ed Keegan on 848, a Chicago Public Radio program. You can get the RealAudio file here. (I wish people wouldn't use RealAudio they're a sleazy company with buggy software.)

Spring Has Sprung VI - March 23, 2005

My Notre Dame architecture studio is two-thirds of the way through their designs for new neighborhood around Yankee Stadium. Shortly after the Yankees start the 2005 season, we'll have 3 masterplans (Yankeeville, The Fan District and Georgetown - above), along with buildings for each: 3 stadiums, 3 types of rowhouses,...

Spring Has Sprung V - March 23, 2005

SOME BoSox fans have a hard time deciding if they're Sox luvvahs or Yankee hatahs. Eighty-six tragic years produced a fatalism in some that finds it easier to say the Yankees lost than their own team won. When their Super Bowl Dynasty Patriots won again, they immediately chanted "Yankees Suck"...

Frank Lloyd Wright, Neo-Classicist - March 22, 2005

On the TradArch List, Andrs Duany wrote, Patrick Pinnell has traced Frank Lloyd Wright's Neo-Classicism precisely. Start with the Field Museum in Chicago (copied virtually directly by Wright in an early unbuilt projects). Squint slightly and you will easily see it as a Prairie School building. That is the key...

Uncle Dan Needs You - March 21, 2005

F every town had a man like Dan Camp, America wouldn't be so f'in' ugly Dan's a big ol' good ol' boy straight out of central casting whom I wrote about here. I sent him money here.

Location, Location, Location: Kansas or New York - March 20, 2005

From the editor of Reason (of all people): Fewer tax and regulatory hassles and, most important, a tremendously lower cost of living are, in the end, probably not that important to people.... Much of the time, economic freedoms just another word for nothing else to do. Rant: Live Free and...

Quinlan Terry Wins Driehaus Prize - March 20, 2005

Photo courtesy of Quinlan and Francis Terry Architects. Quinlan Terry has won the 3rd Annual Driehaus Prize, a $100,000 award for outstanding Classical and Traditional architects (The Anti-Pritzker). The previous winners were Leon Krier and Demetri Porphyrios. I wrote about one of Terry's buildings here.

Henry Hope Reed Wins Henry Hope Reed Award - March 20, 2005

Many years ago, I was walking down Fifth Avenue when I ran into Leon Krier. "I've just been to see the greatest living American," Leon said. "It was such an honor that he granted me a few minutes of his time." He was talking about Henry Hope Reed. who when...

“Why Architects Give Me The Willies” - March 14, 2005

From D E S I G N O B S E R V E R : All this came back to me while working on an exhibition about British graphic design at the Barbican Centre, London. Called Communicate, it was paired with a Daniel Libeskind retrospective and each exhibition had...

News From the Front & We've Been Slimed - March 13, 2005

COOPER-UNION STUDENTS TO DEAN, WE'RE MAD An interesting story from The Architect's Newspaper: Last month, Cooper Union architecture dean Anthony Vidler had his hands full with a strange wave of student unrest. First, disgruntled seniors drafted an open letter outlining the 19 qualities they wanted to see in a dean,...
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