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Feed items 1 - 10 of 13 for December 2006

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Campus Envy - December 31, 2006

Compare campuses here.

The Secret of Life - December 29, 2006

In Heat, New Yorker writer Bill Buford interns with New York chef Mario Batali, to learn about cooking. Here's one of the things he learns: The practice of making the daily meal for the kitchen staff seemed to illustrate a principle I was always hearing referred to as "cooking with...

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - December 29, 2006

The campaign to stop Thomas Gordon Smith's appointment to the position of Chief Architect of the General Services Administration, in charge of all Federal building, partially succeeded: Smith will not be Chief Architect, but he will be involved in the selection of architects for Federal buildings. An interview in Architectural...

Scenes from “The Architect” - December 27, 2006

More "Dog Bites Man" news, from the movie, The Architect. Tagline: Sometimes you have to tear things down to build things up.

The Greek Way - December 27, 2006

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the film Bobby, but I was interested to hear that it says Edith Hamilton's The Greek Way was one of Bobby Kennedy's favorite books, because it's one of my favorite books. The Greek Way was written before the adolescent-like angst of Modermism caused some 20th century...

A Very NURBy Christmas - December 23, 2006

Alys Beach photo 2006 Charles Bohl

Microsoft finally bests Google - December 21, 2006

Atlantic Yards on Google Earth Google always seems to have the Midas touch. And even though they're the world's most successful software company, in recent years MIcrosoft has had problems coming up with new products that catch on. So it's sort of surprising that Microsoft's does some things better...

Brooklyn Teaser - December 17, 2006

My University of Miami studio is all over but the shouting. I'll be putting the students' three master plans and their corresponding building types online, but for now, here are a few drawings from one of the teams. The blocks over the rail yards have courtyard apartment buildings that provide...

The Revolutionary Communist Party Likes New Urbanism (sort of) - December 16, 2006

FROM spiked, the online publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party, some excerpts from the article New Orleans and the New Urban Vision, Progressive architects have left the building: ... the ideas behind New Urbanism have seldom been intellectually destroyed, with detractors preferring to sneer at the clichd attempt at Classicism...

We Need A Real Hero - December 14, 2006

FALLINGWATER is one of those places that make me want to stay. And I've been watching design: e2, a television program narrated by Fallingwater-visitor and Gehry-collaborator Brad Pitt about sustainable design (interesting that Fallingwater is near Pittsburgh). The show's pretty good, so it's too bad that when it comes to...
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