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Feed items 1 - 10 of 14 for September 2006

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

New York, New York, A Hell of a Town - September 29, 2006

from YouTube, via Curbed

People's Design Award - September 22, 2006

Marianne Cusato's Katrina Cottage is leading in the voting for the Cooper Hewitt Museum's People's Design Awards. A vote for the Katrina Cottage is more than a vote for a cute little cottage. The Katrina Cottage came out of the Mississippi Renewal charrette in response to many problems: the abysmal...

“Condos of the Living Dead” - September 21, 2006

Vanity Fair An explosion of high-priced glass-and-steel condos is being marketed to New Yorks new rich. Inspecting multi-million-dollar marvels of sterility, the author wonders how any real living could possible take place inside any of them By A.A. Gill Excerpts: This new architectural catwalk of "high-design," "high-concept," and "high-priced" condo...

Hiatus Endus - September 18, 2006

Comments to follow.

The Way We Drive Today - September 18, 2006

HAVING JUST driven from New York to Miami in a BMW with a big V-8 that gets its best mileage on cruise control, I've been reminded what an odd people we've become. Here are the patterns you see over and over when driving at a constant speed on cruise control....

Quote of the Day - September 18, 2006

"I'm like a horribly aggressive New York driver. I'm always yelling 'Fk you!' at truck drivers and honking my horn!" Gwyneth Paltrow If our sweet Gwynnie can do that, who among us can cast the first stone It's very strange what wrapping two tons of steel in public will do...

Hiatus Interruptus - September 15, 2006

New York to Miami: I had to delay the start 2 12 days, and last night I headed down the DelMarVa peninsula instead of going through Baltimore and Washington.

Quote of the Day - September 11, 2006

It was almost a year ago that Mayor Bloomberg walked into a meeting with the Daily News editorial board and joined the ground-zero fray, calling for housing to be built on the site rather than offices and declaring that the city would be better off without Larry Silverstein there. Butt...

The New World Order — Houston, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Dubai - September 8, 2006

Click on the photo for a larger view. THE THREE NEW WTC TOWERS are the boring expressions of the international corporate mind. They're the architectural equivalent of the global domination of Diet Coke, Fritos and Baywatch. Will the site go from the WTC to the WTO Their global headquarters seem...

Dog Bites Man: Architect Criticizes Classical Choice - September 7, 2006

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy hosted a White House dinner for 49 Nobel Prize recipients at which he famously said, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House with the possible exception...
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