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Feed items 1 - 10 of 32 for August 2006

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Classical Architecture Handbook online - August 31, 2006

THE ICA&CA has put some pre-publication chapters online here.

Katrina Cottages Lowe's - August 30, 2006

AT ONE OF TODAY'S EVENTS commemorating Hurricane Katrina's strike, Governor Barbour cut the ribbon for a small square with twenty Katrina Cottages in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The concept was born at the Mississippi Renewal charrette last October, and the cottages are now produced and sold by Lowe's. The architectural establishment...

“My Ego Trip” - August 25, 2006

Miss Brooklyn ... I call my ego trip, Frank O. Gehry, Starchitect (What's Good For Starchitects Is Good For the World)

Quote of the Day - August 24, 2006

Sometimes I Feel Like I'm The Only One Trying To Gentrify This Neighborhood By Eli Kearney August 23, 2006 Issue 4234 When I moved into this neighborhood, I fell in love right away. Not with the actual neighborhood, but with its potential: It's affordable, there are nice row houses all...

Miami - August 23, 2006

I'M IN MIAMI for three months, teaching a design studio at the School of Architecture at the University of Miami. More later.

Brooklyn - August 23, 2006

At this stage in planning and development, as long as the city's planning method is to react to the proposals of developers like Ratner, rather than leading the way with form-based codes that suggest form, character and mass, New York City will get few proposals which "use current demand and...

There Is No Joy In Beanville - August 21, 2006

A NATION turned its lonely eyes to Schilling last night, who did what he normally does to the Yankees. The score was 5 to 3 when Schilling finished the 7th inning, and everyone but the Red Sox manager knew a well rested Jonathan Papelbon should pitch the last two innings....

Words to live by - August 18, 2006

"This is irrelevant," said Salguero, director of PortSide NewYork and Yale alum. "There's nothing wrong with exploring abstract architecture. But don't come here and call it planning." If only Daniel Doctoroff would listen. via B61 Productions

UPDATED: Breaking news from Streetsblog - August 17, 2006

I look forward reading it tonight. UPDATE Streetsblog New York Observer From the Observer: But the document is already four months overdue, and now has no deadline, delayed both by the complexity of the task and by the changing personnel in the upper echelons of the Mayors office, according to...

Another brick in the wall - August 16, 2006

IT'S THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, it's Los Angeles, AAHnold's large and in charge, and life imitates art: it's post-apocalyptic 2029, when Los Angeles has been largely reduced to rubble and is under the thumb of all-powerful ruling machines. Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn), a member of the human resistance movement, is teleported...
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