Urinary Tract Infections NewsNews on Urinary Tract Infections continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children: antibiotic prophylaxis is...- May 31, 2008 Vesicoureteral reflux in children: antibiotic prophylaxis is not effective in preventing complications 30.05.2008 Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis is not effective in preventing severe complications such as ...http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/05/vesicoureteral-reflux-vur-in-... Horseradish- May 29, 2008 What is horseradish Cousin to the mustard and cabbage plants, horseradish hails from southeastern Europe and western Asia.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/05/horseradish?fromrss=1 Effects of 'War' gets heavyhanded- May 22, 2008 His unit went to Iraq in March 2004 instead. Five days into his tour of duty, he was shot through the spinal cord and paralyzed below the chest for life.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/05/effects-of-war-gets-heavyhand... Dealing with urinary tract infections- May 20, 2008 Dear Dr. Gott: I used to have frequent, painful urinary-tract infections. It was suggested in the Cleveland Ostomy News from the Cleveland Ostomy Association that drinking a small amount of vinegar daily could ...http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/05/dealing-with-urinary-tract-in... Acne Drug Could Prevent Emphysema Damage- May 19, 2008 A team from the Universities of Leeds and California, San Diego studied a protein called VEGF found that the antibiotic can boost the body's ability to protect against damage to the lungs, since VEGF helps ... via Fox Newshttp://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/05/acne-drug-could-prevent-emphy... |