Urinary Tract Infections NewsNews on Urinary Tract Infections continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Towel may be only solution for dripping dog- July 4, 2008 A19 Copley News Service Q: We have recently noticed urine spots on the floor and towels where our 14-year-old spayed mixed-breed dog lies while resting, which is most of the time.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/07/towel-may-be-only-solution-fo... Western European In Vitro Diagnostics Market Sustained by New Technologies- July 2, 2008 Despite issues such as rising R&D costs, poor reimbursement and a decline in prices, the emergence of new technologies is boosting the Western European in vitro diagnostics markets.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/07/western-european-in-vitro-dia... |