Urinary Tract Infections NewsNews on Urinary Tract Infections continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Urinary Tract Infections Reduced- June 30, 2008 If you are an RN living in the USA, depending on your mailing address, you are entitled to recieve Nursing Spectrum or Nurseweek magazine FREE of charge.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/urinary-tract-infections-redu... Video Glyph- June 27, 2008 A urinary tract infection in babies and toddlers can be one of the first signs of a more serious issue, kidney reflux.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/video-glyph?fromrss=1 Lupin Enters Into Marketing Alliance with ASCEND Therapeutics for Suprax 400 mg Tablets in the U.S.- June 23, 2008 Lupin Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Lupin Ltd., announced today that the Company has entered into a promotion agreement for Suprax 400 mg Tablets with ASCEND Therapeutics, Inc.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/lupin-enters-into-marketing-a... Sexually transmitted disease, urinary tract infections may be bad combination for birth defect- June 20, 2008 Women who reported having both a sexually transmitted disease and urinary tract infection just before or during early pregnancy were four times more likely to have babies with gastroschisis-a severe birth ...http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/sexually-transmitted-disease-... Cranberries and Cranberry Products: Powerful in Vitro, ex Vivo, and in Vivo Sources of Antioxidants- June 18, 2008 Received for review November 12, 2007. Revised manuscript received March 3, 2008.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/cranberries-and-cranberry-pro... Cranberries found to reduce UTIs- June 16, 2008 Women, who are more vulnerable than men, also have other options to stave off these types of infections United Feature Syndicate Monday, June 16, 2008 Q: I've recently had two urinary-tract infections, both of ...http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/cranberries-found-to-reduce-u... Put an End to Bladder Infections- June 15, 2008 Remember, that Although Urinary Tract Infections Are Uncomfortable and Often Painful, They Are Very Common and Easily Treated Font Urinary tract infections are a serious health problem affecting millions of ...http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/put-an-end-to-bladder-infecti... Burgundy seeks herbals exposure after parent sells- June 13, 2008 Burgundy Botanical Extracts is continuing its transition from a third-party supplier of herbal extracts to a "name player" after its ownership was concentrated in the hands of one company.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/burgundy-seeks-herbals-exposu... Improving the quality of primary care through tailored interventions...- June 11, 2008 CiteULike is a free online bibliography manager. Register and you can start organising your references online.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/improving-the-quality-of-prim... Consumer Tips About Urinary Health- June 8, 2008 Cromwell, Conn. - Though many do not realize its prevalence, urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body, and account for more than 8 million doctor visits each year.http://www.topix.net/health/urinary-tract-infections/2008/06/consumer-tips-about-urinary-h... |