There's plenty like me to be foundThere's plenty like me to be found - LiveJournal.comDazed- April 29, 2008 The past few days have been a blur of many good things. Just capped it off with seeing Henry Rollins do his spoken word thing, then (by chance) running into him at the BP when we went to get petrol for our car. I thanked him for (years ago) suggesting everyone read "Another Day of Life" which is a book I went out and bought and enjoyed. He shook my hand and, while weary, was really nice. He spoke of travel to Iran, Pakistan, Syria and made wry comments about America, Americans and his efforts... (Untitled)- April 27, 2008 Where have I been I decided to map out where I've driven, visited, and visited more than once. Goes to show I still have a lot of NZ to see, but I think I've done pretty well for the 4+ years I've been here! Click on thumbnail to view the larger version of the map if you're keen. Edit By 'visit' I mean stayed at least one night. If I added all the places I've simply stopped athikedexplored i'd be a mess of dots! We're back- April 22, 2008 Have about 13 of our photos uploaded. Please to be viewing my flickr page for some of them.I can't wait to go back. The West Coast is breathtaking. Will shout out when we have the rest of our photos up. Very hard to get back into 'real life' at the moment.Click on the teaser image to go to the photoset. Positively Jenni- April 13, 2008 Inspired by a recent post by jenni_talula - here's a bunch of positive things in my life I'm grateful for.- Today's visit to the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. It was a beeeauuutiful day for it today and we saw heaps of cool birds. The kaka were hillarious and gregarious and we were lucky enough to see a whole bunch of hihi at close range. We also saw a tuatara basking in the sun. I now know the call of the kaka quite well and just heard one flying outside as I type this. Cool! - Cooking and Books.. Ancient- April 12, 2008 Was nice to have rikan_feral over for dinner. Though I'm not sure I approve of how he and Luke tended to double-team me. Curse them. I felt all matronly washing our guest's shirt after he spilled red wine on it (red wine - white shirt ... it was bound to happen). So now I'm left with a white shirt air drying on my porch, our guest wearing one of Luke's shirts and an overwhelming desire to meet a certain godmother in Dunedin.What a nice night. :) Postscript- April 10, 2008 I wrote to my mother and told her why I was angry. She wrote a really lovely reply back and now I feel much better. Better than before, anyway. That'll teach me to play an April Fool's Day joke ever again. I've been kept out late doing work stuff one night and DnD the next, meaning I haven't really seen Luke for a few days. Oh how I missed him. Feels like weeks. He met me at work and we walked along the waterfront and held hands and talked. Ducked into Shed 5 for a glass of wine then visited... I'm angry at my mother so ...- April 6, 2008 I'm going to rag on something else unrelated.I hate Twitter. No, I don't hate Twitter, per se - I hate the synidcated, one sentance updates that appear on LJ. Does Twitter strip out punctuation and force lower case letters Because many-a grammar Nazi are suddenly making posts that they themselves would have mocked last year.Anyway, enough of that. Mostly I'm mad at my mother. And frustrated that one email from her completely undermined the awesome I felt after doing a pretty kick-ass job in the. Pre-race jitters- April 5, 2008 Sooo tired and about to crawl into bed and get some sleep before tomorrow's race. Had a quick ride on the bike I'm borrowing, and despite it's a road bike rather than a mountain bike I felt pretty ok on it. It has an odometer on it so I'm just going to pretend I'm on the bike machine at the gym - only with cars that can kill me driving a few inches to my right. Nervous much Nawwwwwww.Lovely conversations with lovely people at Jenni and Lee's housewarming party and my first attempt at playing... Whale Riders- April 2, 2008 Things have been a bit tough for Luke and I. Not as in our relationship, but mostly in our respective jobs and the whole feeling in limbo between moves thing.So today we both left work 2 hours early and went to Te Papa. And enjoyed a few drinks - even though we had planned on waiting until Friday. The drinking was a bit anticlimactic. I don't know what I expected - fireworks But no, a glass of wine is just as much a glass of wine now as it was a month ago.But the Tohora exhibit at Te Papa was... |