There's plenty like me to be foundThere's plenty like me to be found - LiveJournal.comLast post for the night - instant music gratification- June 18, 2008 Pretty much my favourite site atm: http:www.seeqpod.comWant to hear a song RIGHT NOW Go to seeqpod.Want to create playlists you can access from anywhere Go to seeqpod.Want to create digital 'mix tapes' you can email to your friends Go to (their other site).Want to save these tunes to your computer No joy, sadly. But I've assembled the most eclectic playlist already. Everything from Hanz Zimmer to Gary Numan to Faith and the Muse to Peter Gabriel to Skinny Puppy to Sting to The Tea... Who loves ya- June 18, 2008 Who comments most on my LJ... Total comments:... Go Telecom- June 18, 2008 Ya know - as long as I've been in NZ everyone beats on Telecom, but they've always been good to me.Our broadband and phone will be installed the day before we move in. No worries. They found me the best phone number ever (as I can never remember them). The last four digits are 8000. Awesome. 27th is my last day of work. Can't wait. Will aim to be a struggling artist until I can get a job at Weta. So excited. I feel like I'm on the right path, doing the right things and living life for all the... Luke and I are moving- June 16, 2008 Our new Back to the 'burbs we go. Will be nice to settle and unpack all our boxes. This house isn't going for sale any time soon. It's on a quiet street that ends at a local park with paths to the Skyline walkway. Morepork!- June 15, 2008 I just saw my first morepork. It was in the tree in our backyard, singing away. I watched it fly away. Soooo tiny! More old L5R fic- June 12, 2008 Nothing to see here...Inside the Governors tent, a servant girl with tightly braided hair deftly worked around Ulya-Nuur as she read through a collection of scrolls, adding more wood to the heavy iron brazier placed underneath the smoke hole. The buttery orange flames cast a warm glow over the exotic, decadent collection of furs, silks, pillows and ornaments that the former Governor had filled his tent with. Ulya-Nuurs armour rested in a place of honour, newly cleaned, polished and bearing a... L5R Fic I wrote for Ant's birthday present- June 12, 2008 Archiving. Only of scant interest if you were in the L5R game I was in. I'll be archiving more fic here as I'm doing some housecleaming.It was the angle of a piece of bamboo that was worrying Arasawa. It wasnt sitting right. It was just barely out of place and surely wouldnt have been noticed by the average person. But to those with a discerning eye it would throw the balance of her floral arrangement completely out of balance.And everything she did was, after all, for the benefit of those with. Tears for a Lamb + PotC Film Wank- June 8, 2008 Today Luke asked me (as part of a bit of back and forth teasing) why I became vegetarian. I choked up while giving my answer - which is, in short, because I'm too soft-hearted. No animal will give up its life to feed me. It's coming up on six months since I made the decision and I'm so glad I did. Mind, I'll never be one to push my lifestyle choice on anyone else (hell, I still cook meat for Luke), but I feel much better about how my food choices affect animals. Look, I think animals for food... Therapy- June 7, 2008 Had black streaks put in my hair on Friday then got more holes in my head at FleshWound today. They're really lovely there. They're going to repair the awful ancient piercings in my ears that have torn and stretched. I sure do enjoy the piercing experience. Sort of a shame I don't think I'll do anything other than continue to put holes in my ears. I really liked talking vintage cars with the dude who did the piercing. Should've asked his name. For those who go there he was the older, grizzled... Back- June 5, 2008 Fri, Sat, Sun and Monday AM were spent at Waikawa beach with Luke, Frank and Tarko. Frank has an awesome write-up of the time at Waikawa beach on his journal.Monday we drove up to Auckland in one go (ugh) and crashed with Geoff and Wendy at their place in Titirangi. Tuesday AM was the funeral & Luke and Geoff were palbearers. She died 6 months to the day after her husband did, the service was at the same church and she was burried in the same grave (double plot). So it all echoed familiar, yet.. |