Arthur Jacobson: Baja ArizonaDown South of The Gila River(Untitled)- March 19, 2004 A New Civil War Overheard at a Paddy&146;s Day party: "This isn&146;t going to be an election, it&146;s going to be a civil war!" I asked the woman who made the comment exactly what she meant. Was it, "Look out, we&146;re going to attack and destroy"; or was it simply "The ratcheting up of political punch and counter-punch will reach really unpleasant extremes." She wasn&146;t quite sure what she meant. She was just reacting to what she sensed was an entirely different tone to the political... (Untitled)- March 19, 2004 Riding To "Lost Wages" Spring, or what would seem like summer to you if you lived in Chicago, has come to Tucson. The maps are out&133;even though I&146;ve made the ride to Vegas so frequently that &145;the horse knows the way&146;&133;and I&146;m checking how to get to an old riding buddy&146;s house. This is the first long ride of the season, although "long" is misleading since it is only a skosh over 400miles. A day&146;s ride. And beautiful. The reason for the trip Well, the old buddy. The.. (Untitled)- March 16, 2004 It&146;s St. Patrick&146;s Day&133;Let&146;s Blow Something Up! Paddy&146;s day is not one of my favorite holidays. It ranks right up there with Arbor Day as a must miss celebration. The idea that "we are all Irish on St. Patrick&146;s day" strikes me as one of those absurdities that beer companies and bartenders want us to believe. Spare me, please, saloons full of barely post adolescent young men drinking&133;God save the mark&133; green beer they are incapable of holding down like real... (Untitled)- March 10, 2004 See It Now: March 9th, 1954 "Fifty years ago this week, one of the most influential news programs in television history aired. It was an Edward R. Murrow report on Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his campaign to root out "unpatriotic" Americans. Walter Cronkite remembers the occasion as the night network television shook off its timidity to call the bluff of a bully."&133;NPR If you missed last night&146;s "All Things Considered," and the Cronkite story, I urge you to go to the NPR site and... (Untitled)- March 9, 2004 Tucson Notes The Weather-Wimp When you live in a desert you become a Weather Wimp. Temperatures that the hardy New Englander would welcome as balmy and spring-like seem wintry and depressing to the desert rat. I am put in mind of this because the desert has at last returned to Tucson with pleasant temperatures in the high eighties and with the promise of ninety degrees just around the corner. Decent weather came just soon enough to yank me from suicidal depression and despair. We&146;ve.. (Untitled)- March 9, 2004 Bestiality, Angst, and Political Transvestites What a hoot! My previous post received a record number of one day hits. With the possible exception of the use of the F word, and a minor lapse into sprightly colloquialism ("ain&146;t"), I thought the post was even-handed, chaste, and Victorian.Nothing that would bring, as Dickens once said, "a blush to the cheek of the young person." Could readers have been googled there by the title We&146;ll see. (Untitled)- March 8, 2004 Sex, Religion, and Politics It is sometimes said that while at pleasant social gatherings people of breeding should refrain from discussing sex, politics, and religion. The reason To avoid giving unwitting offence to people of gentle sensibility. Well, what the fuck! These are three of the most interesting topics, if not the three most interesting topics, of conversation. In a democracy, if that democracy is to thrive, a discussion of political issues ought really be common to our social... |