Arthur Jacobson: Baja ArizonaDown South of The Gila River(Untitled)- April 25, 2004 The Electoral College Under the Electoral College system a minority of the votes cast may be enough to elect a President. Set aside, for a moment, all argument about confusing ballots, hanging chads, and systematic disenfranchisement: Al Gore got 51,003,894 votes and Bush got 50,459,211 votes and was elected President. The Electoral College system "systematically" disenfranchises voters in each state, whose ballots never count toward the election of the candidate of their choice. You did... (Untitled)- April 23, 2004 Funny Label (Untitled)- April 3, 2004 Cold Mountain I am in the position of the man who was asked if he&146;d seen "The Passion of The Christ." No, he&146;d replied, but I&146;ve read the Book. I suppose the movie made of Charles Frazier&146;s novel Cold Mountain may be wonderful, but I suspect I&146;ll never know. It is hard to believe that cinematography can catch the evocative delicacy of his descriptions of the natural setting of the novel. I think, too, that I&146;ve read no better description of the redemptive power of... |