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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for July 2004

Arthur Jacobson: Baja Arizona

Down South of The Gila River

(Untitled) - July 30, 2004

Keynote Address I seem to be the only Democrat in my immediate circle of Democratic activists who was less than overwhelmed by the Kerry acceptance speech. Frankly, I was puzzled by my own reaction, which was absent any urge to leap to my feet, shout "Right On!," and wave a banner. I have to be honest and say I don&146;t think I can say what it is I wanted to hear, or tell you what I would have said had I been Kerry&146;s speechwriter; perhaps some idea of what dream for America we should be...

(Untitled) - July 29, 2004

The Flip Flop Man Arianna Huffington reminds us who the Flip Flop Man really is and it&146;s ol&146; number 43. In September 2001 Bush said capturing Bin Laden was "our No.1 priority." By the following March he said he didn&146;t know where he was, didn&146;t care, and it wasn&146;t that important anyway. In May 2002 Bush opposed the creation of a 9ll commission. Four months later he backed it. During the 2000 presidential campaign he said gay marriage was a states&146; rights issue and then...

(Untitled) - July 28, 2004

Thanks, Ed Gilespie The Republican National Committee chairman has sent Katherine and me an "autographed" photo of the President, thanking us, as grassroots leaders, for working to build a better, stronger, more secure future for our nation and all Americans. Well, the &145;Pubs are right about one thing: As lifelong Democrats we&146;re certainly going to try to do that; just not in the way they suppose. These guys know even less about their mailing list than they did about what was going on in.

(Untitled) - July 27, 2004

Wonders Never Ceasing I have just received a nice phone call from my Congressman, Republican Jim Kolbe, urging me to apply to vote by mail. It was a recorded message, but I still appreciated the thought&133;and I think the thought is "Randy Graf scares the stuffing out of me!" It was a recorded message, but it&146;s the thought that counts. The usually well-oiled Republican machine seems to be squeaking a lot lately: I&146;m a registered Democrat and a precinct committeeman. How likely am I to..
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