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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for January 2007

The Wonderful World of Mikala!!

The Wonderful World of Mikala!! -

sleepy girl - January 16, 2007

i am alive and well. i know i have lost touch in the lj world BUT it seems myspace has taken over my blogging world.i spent the night downloading music that i used to listen to a few years back. it was fun trying to remember what i used to listen to and what not.i had to go buy new speakers for my computer since the ones i had SUCKED. so i figured if i was going to replace them i would get the whole package....speakers and a sub. its nice that my room is so sound proof so i can turn em up and...

just in case - January 1, 2007

anyone wanted to see saddam's hanging or if you are curious here is a link to the was something that i wanted to see but once i saw it, i decided that i didnt want to see anything like it again.
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