The Wonderful World of Mikala!!The Wonderful World of Mikala!! - LiveJournal.comin less then 3 hours....- March 15, 2007 i will be a mother of a 5 yr old! holy crapola! it seems i am more excited to give presents then kenzie is to get em. so every day i have let her open a present. well sunday she got to open 2 since one was a disney princess table and chairs set and she had to have the barbie teaset to go with it so she got those on sunday, and today she got to open her babrie dog trainer that she wanted. well the mail man came late and dropped off her bratz tent. well knowing that she had to go to daycare... well im back!- March 8, 2007 so go figure. the weekend i pick to go home there is a fucking BLIZZARD! not just a bit of snow BUT TONS of snow and horrid wind! so it took me about 2 hours to make a normal 30 min drive from omaha to fremont on friday so i didnt get much done that day. sat. was spent visiting people and what not then nel and i went and got our tattoos. we headed out to ap lace that we had an apt. with BUT they decided they would give our apt to other people so we were stuck! it was now like 630ish and we... |