The Wonderful World of Mikala!!The Wonderful World of Mikala!! - LiveJournal.comlike mother like daughter- April 24, 2007 makenzie decided she wanted to donate her hair to Locks of Love. she had to get more cut off then i did because her hair wasnt as long as mine. i think she looks cute and i love the cut but some people are giving me all holy hell for letting her do it. new hair!- April 11, 2007 i wish i had a before pic. all i know is im so glad that hair is gone! sooooo much easier 2 straighten! (Untitled)- April 7, 2007 being bored at work + being bored with my image = mikala getting her hair cut off! i donated 1 12 ft of hair to locks of luv. i still have hair...its like 3 in past my shoulder. i like it and i had nothing but compliments on it but im sure my mom will hate it. im just glad i can now do things with it. b4 i could either keep it up in bun or straighten it. i couldnt style it cuz it was so heavy that any style would just fall out. pics to come soon. as soon as i get a chance to take some. |