The Playful AntiquarianShe is too fond of books and it has turned her brain. -- Louisa May Alcott10,000 Ways of Looking at Joan of Arc- May 31, 2006 This summer I am in the mood for unplanned excursions and spontaneous adventures, so yesterday morning, when I read the May 30th entry on Joan of Arc in Helen Dean Fish&8217;s Children&8217;s Almanac of Books and Holidays (1934), I knew that I had to explore that theme. Since I have a backlog of reading ... Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Summer 2006- May 18, 2006 In yesterday&8217;s mail, along with the usual bills and credit card offers, I received the summer 2006 program calendar for the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA. Event highlights include a Saturday storytime with Barbara Lehman (August 19), author of The Red Book, and the annual Eric Carle book signing ... |