The Playful AntiquarianShe is too fond of books and it has turned her brain. -- Louisa May AlcottChildrens Literature in Education 37.2 (June 2006)- July 28, 2006 Asian children&8217;s literature seems to be a popular topic in the professional literature this year. The June 2006 issue of Children&8217;s Literature in Education continues this trend: Asian North-American Childrens Literature About the Internment: Visualizing and Verbalizing the Traumatic Thing Fu-jen Chen and Su-lin Yu Sense of Loss, Belonging, and Storytelling: An Anglo-Indian Narrator in ... Childrens Literature: Lost in Translation (The Child and the Book Conference 2007)- July 27, 2006 The Fourth Annual National Centre for Research in Children&8217;s Literature (NCRCL) &8220;The Child and the Book&8221; conference will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, March 30-April 1, 2007. Bogazii University&8217;s Department of Western Languages and Literature is hosting the conference, and the conference theme is &8220;Children&8217;s Literature: Lost in Translation&8221;. The theme encompasses both the literal translation ... |