Avondale NewsLocal news for Avondale (Jacksonville, FL) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Children's Lighthouse wins franchise award- February 25, 2008 Jacksonville's Children's Lighthouse Learning Center has won the franchise's first "Franchise of the Year Award." The center, owned by Lucinda Hietbrink, opened in 2006. via Jacksonville.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/02/childrens-lighthouse-wins-franc... First Florida Credit Union moving branch office to St. Johns Avenue- February 23, 2008 First Florida Credit Union is moving its West Jacksonville branch from Warrington Street to a newly constructed facility at 4530 St. via Jacksonville.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/02/first-florida-credit-union-movi... St. Matthew's school principal honors pledge with a smooch- February 16, 2008 Katy Tuerk had a lovey-dovey, warm-and-fuzzy moment with a pig recently. The St. via Jacksonville.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/02/st-matthews-school-principal-ho... |