Avondale NewsLocal news for Avondale (Jacksonville, FL) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cyclists push city for better biking- June 28, 2008 "I loved to ride my bike to work," said Huertas. "By the time I reached the Main Street bridge, the sun was rising, a spectacular view." But once he started working at Jacksonville Naval Air Station, the ...http://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/06/cyclists-push-city-for-better-b... Cupcakes rule in new bakery in Avondale- June 19, 2008 Pity the lonely cupcake: It never gets the glory of a full-size cake . But at Vanilla's Cupcakery , an Avondale shop barely hours old, cupcakes rule.http://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/06/cupcakes-rule-in-new-bakery-in-... |