Avondale NewsLocal news for Avondale (Jacksonville, FL) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Murray Hill library now has extra laptops for use- April 19, 2008 Patrons of the Murray Hill branch library can now check out laptop computers to use during their visits. via Jacksonville.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/04/murray-hill-library-now-has-ext... FCCJ Kent Campus Evacuated- April 8, 2008 The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has evacuated part of FCCJ Kent Campus in Avondale due to a bomb threat. via FirstCoastNewshttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/04/fccj-kent-campus-evacuated?from... Hike and bike along Jacksonville-Baldwin Rail Trail April 21- April 5, 2008 The city has several free nature programs scheduled in April at Westside parks: - A guided walk will be from 10 to 11 a.m., and bicycle hikes from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, April 21, along ... via Jacksonville.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/jacksonville-fl-avondale/2008/04/hike-and-bike-along-jacksonvill... |