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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for February 2007

The Cat Speaks

The Cat Speaks -

I am not Vados - February 23, 2007

In my last post, I mentioned my roommate's Ragnarok Online character, Vados, who is (for the moment) a member of the Sharp Shooters guild. The guild, which is apparently made up mostly of idiots too dumb to dress themselves on a regular basis, now believes that siderealengine and I are one and the same. If you are one of those idiots reading this journal, please please please learn enough English to understand:I AM NOT VADOS. I used his name because he was a member of a guild and he had a funny.

HOWTO: Fund your college experience by speeding - February 10, 2007

College is getting more and more expensive these days. It seems unfair. I mean, the No Child Left Behind act is pretty much eviscerating K-9 education, so the least the government could do is help the victims through college. That's not going to happen, though. Those of you who are in college or who are thinking of going to college should consider this little financial hack. Consider these facts or speculations.Public colleges are funded by the government.Governments get money to operate from a.
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