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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for June 2008

THINKing » Email Marketing

My Creative Team\'s Thoughts On Advertising, Creativity, Marketing & PR

Green Content Marketing - June 27, 2008

Photo Courtesy of Morguefile Hey, everyone is getting into the green movement. So, why not content marketers When I was a reporter back in the 20th Century, we had a term for features that had a long shelf life. We called them evergreen. These were the items you could pull out again and again, season ...

Activate Your Customers With Email - June 26, 2008

I&8217;ve said it before, and I&8217;ll say it again: I love email. It still is the best customer communication tool there is. And email is a great way to bring the online and offline worlds together. Smart businesses use email to drive store traffic. The best brand interactions, IMHO, occur between real live people. So, ...

We Got Trouble Right Here In Email City - June 6, 2008

A new study is a blinding glimpse of the obvious: marketers&8217; HTML emails aren&8217;t making it to the inbox as designed. The Email Experience Council, the email marketing arm of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), released &8220;Retail Email Rendering Benchmark Study,&8221; which says: The study found that 23% of retailers send emails that are completely ...

Even Consumers Say Email Is Alive & Well - June 4, 2008

Bolstering my recent argument that email is alive and well, is a new study by Ipsos that takes a look at consumer attitudes about email. Says the study, 67% of consumers prefer email as a primary method of communications in their personal and business capacities, and 65% will continue to prefer email in the future despite ...

Email Is Alive & Well - June 2, 2008

Email has been beaten up lately by some pundits who say it is a dead medium. These pundits, the same ones that told you advertising, radio, magazines, or (fill in the blank here with your medium of choice) were dead, are wrong again. Social media - like Twitter - actually will help email prosper because ...
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