THINKing » Email MarketingMy Creative Team\'s Thoughts On Advertising, Creativity, Marketing & PRIts Always The Perfect Day To Send Email- July 21, 2008 Photo Courtesy of Morguefile Email, now a teenager in media terms, is so misunderstood. Marketers are always asking questions about it, such as, when is the best day to send an email. The answer: every day is perfect. WTF Harry - you&8217;re probably asking right now - are you giving a politician&8217;s weasel-worded answer No. Let&8217;s clarify ... Email: Its Not Dead. It Says Its Not Dead.- July 17, 2008 Fans of Monty Python and The Holy Grail will recognize the headline allusion above. According to the latest poll by SubscriberMail, email is not dead. No, really. As the economy continues to struggle, it is not surprising that email marketers are often called on to do more with less. What is surprising is that 52 percent ... |