The Diary Of An English CourtesanJoin the English Courtesan's journey from novice Yorkshire social escort & former mistress to international courtesan & travel companion...Stuffing The Courtesan's Biscuit Tin...- June 28, 2008 The time has come, the Walrus said, to give the English Courtesan a pay rise. Oh yes, it's time for the rates review, and the only way is up!As blog followers will know, the English Courtesan hasn't had a pay rise in 18 months. As readers of Proper Newspapers will know, that means inflation is devaluing the English Courtesan on a daily basis.Before the readers think the English Courtesan is about to come over all public sector militant on them, its not just about inflation but rather about... Escorts & Dating III- June 25, 2008 Those of the readers who missed the previous post might like to catch up with the English Courtesan on dating escorts here and with a second later post on the pitfalls of escorts dating clients here... The English Courtesan thinks that when you take out the financial element of a relationship with an escort, the whole dynamic of what you have changes. The former client suddenly feels the weight of the former escort's expectations, or if he doesn't the former escort feels them herself.He usually. |