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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for July 2008

The Diary Of An English Courtesan

Join the English Courtesan's journey from novice Yorkshire social escort & former mistress to international courtesan & travel companion...

Escorts, STIs & STDs - July 30, 2008

So the readers were still hoping for that good head story today, were they, asked the English Courtesan with an irritating smirk.Well, theyll just have to be patient, because the English Courtesan must first finish the sermon on sexually transmitted diseases and escorts!.Those of the readers who missed the English Courtesans previous blog post might want to read about escorts, STDs and STIs here. These are the English Courtesans tips on how you can reduce your risk of catching something from...

The English Courtesan On Max Mosley...Or Your Right To See An Escort In Privacy... - July 27, 2008

'So the readers were hoping for a good head story today, were they, asked the English Courtesan with an irritating smirk. Well, theyll just have to be patient, because the story has been interrupted by a newsflash... The English Courtesan was delighted by the news this week that Max Mosley has won his privacy case against the News of the World. Those of the readers who missed the English Courtesan's first post on Max Mosley and the escort scandal and also the English Courtesan's later post on...

Escorts & Sexually Transmitted Diseases & Infections - July 25, 2008

Those of the English Courtesan's readers who have been with her for a while may recall the 'How to be an escort' series that she started many moons ago...The idea of the 'How to be an escort' blog posts was to share the escort tips the English Courtesan had learnt so far with other call girls who were new to the business.That's not an attempt to seduce girls into prostitution. The English Courtesan is definitely up for seducing girls but she likes them to start out virtuous as a general rule. .

On The English Courtesan's Mysterious Smirk... - July 19, 2008

The English Courtesan is not a city lover as a general rule but today she looked up at a skyscraper and smiled. So the readers' challenge for today is to work out why the English Courtesan is looking peculiarly Sphinx-like...Is it because:a) The English Courtesan has been Up To No Good in this particular skyscraperb) The sky behind the skyscraper matches the English Courtesan's blog colourc) The English Courtesan is with someone who makes her smiled) The English Courtesan knows something about..

The English Courtesan & The Macaroons - July 16, 2008

The English Courtesan is away from her desk today but it just so happens that she's near a purveyor of the finest macaroons, hence the pert and peachy pair in the photo.Idle hands make mischief and all that, so today's quiz is an attempt to save the English Courtesan's wicked readers from themselves.In the name of vice avoidance then, the English Courtesan invites the readers to complete the following sentence no more than 20 words:'This photo of the English Courtesan's macaroons makes me think.

Where Have All The Call Girls Gone - July 14, 2008

The English Courtesan was saddened to see another two blogging call girls suddenly disappear over the past few weeks. Escort, mistress and muse Mandy, of the 'How About Now' blog, has gone onto better things, although you can still read her blog if you hurry. Chre Juliette, courtesan in the making and owner of a fabulous collection of nudie Victorian picture postcards, has simply gone...Postmodern Courtesan Olympia, Sophia Ong, Thais and other call girl bloggers disappeared suddenly, and...

The English Courtesan Is Tagged! - July 9, 2008

'That's tagged', said the English Courtesan sternly to the sniggering readers. 'Tagged with a T. Not with an S. Okay'The English Courtesan was delighted to be tagged by the lovely Madam Butterfly of Blissful Desires a few weeks ago. Those of the readers who have yet to meet The Madam might like to know shes a tantric poet who reads T.S. Eliot.As you can see from the picture, which the English Courtesan purloined from her blog, Madam Butterfly also happens to be Top Totty and she gets a rating...

Where Is The English Courtesan This Weekend - July 7, 2008

The English Courtesan felt it was high time for another photo clue! As it's a sunny and warm weekend, though you might not be able to tell that from the picture, the English Courtesan is taking the risk of sending this in situ as it were... The readers are invited to guess as ever: where is the English Courtesan this weekendTo celebrate the unusually clement July weather, the English Courtesan is granting the readers a second clue. She's not actually in it but she's on the other side of the...

Financing The Courtesan's New Biscuit Tin - July 2, 2008

Continuing with the theme of whats in the English Courtesans biscuit tin, she thought shed share a rather fine example with the readers today...The photo shows what is sadly not the English Courtesan's own biscuit tin but rather a William Crawford & Sons biscuit tin, modelled on a sports coupe motor car. This fabulous 1920s lithograph tin was complete with headlights, spare wheel and of course a stylish lady passenger. Not unlike the English Courtesan herself, although in her case she...
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