The Diary Of An English CourtesanJoin the English Courtesan's journey from novice Yorkshire social escort & former mistress to international courtesan & travel companion...The English Courtesan's Mystery Location Was...- August 30, 2008 Yes, my lovelies, you guessed it and you made the English Courtesan proud! Or rather you didn't but the English Courtesan rather likes you and thinks youre in need of a decent education, so she's going to tell you the answer to Wednesday's clue...First a confession, which is that the English Courtesan cheated slightly. The two photos were not the same thing at all, although they were at least siblings and situated in the same place. Still baffled Well baffle no more, my beauties, for the... The English Courtesan Is Wordless Again- August 27, 2008 The English Courtesan enjoyed the last (nearly) Wordless Wednesday so much that she thought she'd have another one! Has anyone worked out what this structure is yet or are the English Courtesan's readers all speechless with boredomdelightenvyhilarity (delete as appropriate)OK, OK, so the English Courtesan's readers have seen this buniform beauty before, but they failed to guess what it was, so she's giving them another chance from a different angle today. If it didn't work that way round, you... The English Courtesan In The Chevalier's Chteau...- August 23, 2008 The English Courtesan was thrilled to be tagged out of her dark and dank little hole by the blazing blue Chevalier. True to his name, the Chevalier is a knight in shining armour and the mere sight of his blue blog beauty is enough to restore the English Courtesan to her usual smiley self...Those of the English Courtesan's readers who haven't met the delightful Chevalier really must try harder to keep up. He's saucy, he's sultry and he smoulders like a big blue beacon of bodice ripping beauty.... The English Courtesan's Wordless Wednesday- August 20, 2008 There werent meant to be any words on todays post but, this being the first of a few more Wordless Wednesdays, the English Courtesan feels an explanation might be due. Wordless Wednesdays is a blog idea that the English Courtesan purloined from that Genius of A Saucy Redhead...The Redhead knows not, as yet, of the English Courtesans bold theft, but the English Courtesan is linking to her here by way of a virtual tug at her ribbon tie panties. Wordless Wednesdays is a stroke of creative and... No Swimming With The English Courtesan- August 16, 2008 The English Courtesan was going to stay in today and write her post in response to a tag from the beautiful blue Chevalier which you can read here...The English Courtesan was thrilled to be tagged by one so blithe and bonny and the tag was a salient reminder of Important Things, as the readers will see when the English Courtesan writes that blog post on Wednesday.Sometimes the English Courtesan is a very easily distracted creature though. She was actually on her way home to write the blog when.. The English Courtesan & The Bung Hole- August 13, 2008 The English Courtesan is away from her desk so the readers are invited to participate in another truly mindless quiz. Today the English Courtesan is on a mission to clean up the readers' filthy minds and introduce them to the joys of oenology.Hence the photo. What did the readers think the English Courtesan was referring to when she said the word bungholeIncidentally the prize for best web restaurant review this week goes to James Bannerman whose comment on the Bung Hole on The English Courtesan & The Hanged Man- August 9, 2008 So that was Wednesday in the English Courtesan's world. This is Saturday. Despite appearances, it's actually a slight improvement... ;-)The English Courtesan finds this card oddly soothing. She thinks there are only two things you can't do anything about in this world: death and other people.This card, the Hanged Man from the 1909 Rider-Waite-Smith deck of Tarot cards, reminds the English Courtesan of the power of perception. There are plenty of things and plenty of people that the English... The English Courtesan & The Tower- August 9, 2008 Sometimes the English Courtesan thinks a picture speaks a thousand words. This is a picture of how the English Courtesan's world is looking today...The picture is from the 1909 Rider-Waite-Smith deck of Tarot cards. It is the Tower. It has been appearing in The English Courtesan's Tarot cards for weeks.There are some things that don't translate well into words. The English Courtesan thinks the readers will understand the picture. She doesn't think she'll get a chance to write any more today and. The English Courtesan Invites You To...- August 2, 2008 After two long posts, it's undoubtedly time for one of the English Courtesan's super special quickies! She knows the readers are usually up for a quickie and the English Courtesan is never one to disappoint... ;-)It's the usual caption quiz so those of the readers who failed get their creative parts round the English Courtesan's melons might like to try this one instead.The readers are invited to complete the following phrase in no less than 100 words 'The English Courtesan's pictures of lovely. |