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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for January 2005

Stephanie A. Kesler: Adventures in Technology

Notes, Experiences, Thoughts, etc. regarding technology.

A Big Apple Disappointment - January 13, 2005

Yesterday was the big day on the Apple Computer front - Steve Job's Macworld keynote address. The keynote is where all the new big products are announced. For the past two months, I've eagerly awaited this keynote - I've been hoping for a G5 based powerbook - a very hot Mac laptop. However, no such luck. No announcements at all on the laptop front. sigh... I think what I'll do is see if I can borrow Mom's powerbook for a few weeks. I want to test drive her powerbook in our Windows corporate...

U2 iPod Heaven - January 11, 2005

One of the Ski Boy's Christmas presents was the very nifty Limited Edition U2 iPod. We've been ripping CD's right and left for the past two weeks. Tonight, using the spiffy little stereo connection kit that Mom gave Peter for Christmas, we hooked up the iPod to our downstairs Bose system. Voila!!!! Shuffled tunes in glorious Bose sound providing background music for a vicious game of Scrabble (of which I lost, badly).

Woe is Us on the Cable Modem Froint - January 11, 2005

We just cannot get our cable modem issues nailed. We thought it might be internal wiring, but that does not appear to be the case. So, I'm going to swamp (that should read "swap" but somehow "swamp" also seemed appropriate) out our cable modem tomorrow - perhaps it's just bad hardware... If that does not prove to be the issue, then it's time to call out the Ninja Techs. I'll want a new drop run into the house. This is just no fun. I WANT MY BROADBAND BACK!!!!!

Google's Patented Pigeon Ranking System - January 7, 2005

Who knew that the smarts behind Google's search technology are pigeons!!! Here's an excerpt from Google's Pigeon Technology Whitepaper. By collecting flocks of pigeons in dense clusters, Google is able to process search queries at speeds superior to traditional search engines, which typically rely on birds of prey, brooding hens or slow-moving waterfowl to do their relevance rankings. When a search query is submitted to Google, it is routed to a data coop where monitors flash result pages...

ipodmyphoto! - January 6, 2005

A little mini fad is blossoming out there in Internet Land - ipodmyphoto. Basically, what one does is send in a picture of a person, animal, thing, whatever to the ipodmyphoto folks and they ipod-i-fy the picture. They turn the shot into a very cool picture that bears a great deal of resemblance to the current ipod advertising style. I, who am totally unable to resist anything so new, hip, and terminally geeky, sent in four photos to be ipodified as Christmas gifts. They turned out fabulously..
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