Stephanie A. Kesler: Adventures in TechnologyNotes, Experiences, Thoughts, etc. regarding technology.Gack- March 13, 2005 Weatherwise, we've reached a new low (so to speak - a little weather pun there). 37 degrees and pouring rain. Definitely another stay inside day. Which is o.k. - I still have tons of techie stuff on my to do list: Get a new printer. See if I can defeat the nefarious iTunes and load all of my legitimate MP3's (ripped from my very own CD's) into iTunes. If iTunes wins that battle, they'll lose the war because I'll switch to Anapod Explorer and never use iTunes again. Which isn't a huge loss -.. A Hodgepodge Kind of Day- March 13, 2005 Since we're still in the midst of this way earlier than usual breakup, the only sane Saturday option was to stay inside. I puttered away on the technical front - I managed to get our new D-Link wireless print server up and running. The wireless print server allows me to print from Ping anywhere in the house. Very handy indeed. However, in the process I discovered that the USB port on my old HP Photosmart 1215 seems to be non-functional. This is an issue because the wireless print server... iTunes....Grrr......- March 7, 2005 O.K. I've bleepin' had it with iTunes. As you all know, I have a new laptop Ping. I am attempting to transfer all of my music from my iPod back to Ping. Well, good luck with that. Apple bowing to the fing RIAA Nazi's makes it virutally impossible to upload music from your iPod to any sort of computer. I've tried using freewareshareware to upload the music, but the performance was spotty. For example, on several albums only two songs were uploaded. So, I bit the bullet - hooked Hewey (my... |