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Stephanie A. Kesler: Adventures in Technology

Notes, Experiences, Thoughts, etc. regarding technology.

I Was Bad - February 27, 2005

Friday, I took a quick twenty minute break from work, zoomed over to REI and purchased a Garmin GPSMAP 60CS GPS. It is a very expensive unit. However, I had two hefty gift cards that covered the bulk of the purchase. So, it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been. The GPSMAP 60CS may be the coolest GPS ever - big color screen, fast loading, tons of features, and most importantly, a big honking antenna! So, I've got to perform the GPS's initial setup. When you initially configure a GPS, you..

Doings on the tech gear front - February 25, 2005

I finally got off the indecision dime and made a decision on the laptop front. At the top of my list was a Mac G4 15" Powerbook. However, Powerbooks and the Microsoft world of Corporate America just don't go well together. And it's not Apple's fault. And we don't think Microsoft is an monopoly After giving up my Powerbook dream, I had my eye on a red Voodoo Envy - it was sooooo cool. However, it was way too expensive - $3500 plus $200 for shipping. And all that for a machine that was really...
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