The BileBlogIf you have nothing bad to say, say nothingTerracotta pimpage galore- March 24, 2006 Terracotta pimpage galore Of all the vendor pitches we've had to stomach, I think the terracotta set is probably the most brazen and ludicrous. For one thing, the title is somewhat misleading. It's called 'clustering your Java Application in under an hour with no API's'. Perhaps a better title is 'How We Implemented a Specific Solution To A Specific Problem When Someone Paid Us Enough Money'. Terracotta, on first blush, is an Evil Company. They're decided that they need to adopt a JBossian... TSS OSWorkfkow: Guest entry- March 24, 2006 Woe is me, another guest entry! This time harpooning poor OSWorkflow... I'm watching Hani Suleiman talk. Surprisingly, his hands are NOT buried in his jeans, which is probably a good thing considering how ratty said jeans are. Plus, watching Hani play pocket pool isn't exactly my idea of a good time. I'd rather buy really, really expensive tap water and pour it on the floor. So far, he's blathering on about stuff that isn't workflow, and some stuff that is. It's really cool that the TSS... Poor poor Geronimo- March 24, 2006 Amazingly, I actually feel bad harpooning Geronimo. Jeff Genender seems like such a cool guy, suave and slick, and a good speaker. Sadly, he's totally fucked by what he has to work with. Geronimo is such an frankenstein project that one can't help but feel saddened and mildly disgusted with the whole thing. We kick off with a show of the various piles of poo that compose Geronimo. This is when it's pretty clear what an abysmal project this is. It's a roll-call of projects with one thing in... The crazy crazy world of JavaME- March 24, 2006 The next talk I attended was a bit of a black sheep. It's a J2ME talk for one, and for another, it's not really about technology, code, or some guy flapping about helplessly at his IDE while we all patiently wait for something vaguely noteworthy to happen. I'm at Eugene Ciurana's Mobile Java Application Continuum talk. Despite the incoherent and faintly pretentious title, the talk, I grudgingly admit, is pretty good. Grudgingly, because I don't like Eugene as a person (at least, on irc), he's.. SpringSpringSpringSpring- March 23, 2006 It's really quite surprising how boring Spring is. It's a bad sign that the only potential amusement to be found is the thught of Rod ripping open his well buttoned shirt, calming and quietly taking one of his manboob nipples between thumb and forefinger, then squeezing hard and squirting the first row of attendees with his milky, rich, frothy, nutritious springmanjuice. The talk consists of much patting of oneself on the back. There's even a Bush moment, whereby Rod points out that 'He cannot. Craig yawn: Guest entry- March 23, 2006 Another anonymous guest contribution! This time from some poor schmuck who evidently took all leave of his senses and attended a talk by Craig Mclotsofwordslikepoopooandwaawaabutendinginploppy guessed it, more web guff. Craig McBlahblahan is talking now. And talking. And talking. And talking. Surprisingly, he's offering a fairly complete history of web development, walking through servlets, JSP, etc. It's really good, except it's all stuff that A) people hated, which is why they... TSS Keynote: Guest entry- March 23, 2006 Another guest bile! This time covering the TSS keynote. The poster sadly wants to remain anonymous though (with good reason actually)... I'm watching TSS unfold, and so far, it's been good, but not THAT good. The opening keynote wasn't much of a keynote - Geir Magnusson decided to replicate Apache's "let's bring everyone into it" modus and brought up a bunch of wankers to give "opinions" and "views" on stuff instead of putting in the work. The batman reference was funny, provided you knew... TSS Keynote- March 23, 2006 Here we go again! I'm at TSS in Vegas, and this time, I'm foolish enough to be speaking. The first such shenanigan was participating as part of some dodgy 'panel' during Geir's keynote. The original plan was sound, robust, and gave us a glimmer of hope that the keynote might not be so lame after all. Sadly, instead of planning or practicing, last night was spent eating, drinking copiously, and discussing whether 'did you masturbate on the plane to Vegas' is a reasonable question to ask the... WebWork 2, 2 years on- March 1, 2006 The last time I looked at webwork 2 was a couple of years ago. At the time it was a half assed toy churned out mostly for the entertainment value of it, with little to no real direction, and a lot of pointless rubbish that some author or the other thought would be neat. So, sensibly, I assume that two years of mass adoption would drag webwork 2 kicking and screaming into maturity. It'd have to cater for real people, people who aren't necessarily sexually aroused by cvs -q -z 3 update -dP. Of.. |