The BileBlogIf you have nothing bad to say, say nothingDefecating on a JDK- June 19, 2006 In a rather perplexing move, it's announced that the Java 6 JDK will include Derby, the turdy little unwanted IBM poop plopped onto Apache (about par for the course, since large swathes of Apache seem to exit solely as an IBM marketing tool.) What's perplexing about this decision is how incredibly arbitrary it seems. I have yet to see a single rational justification of its inclusion, even from within Sun or from the community at large. It's one thing to suffer from the tyranny of the masses... Stabworthy office denizens- June 13, 2006 Is there a polite way to inform a coworker that they have a personal habit that makes one want to slowly rip off one's own arms and hurl them in the general direction of said coworker just to get them to stop, however briefly Over the years, I've been confronted with what feels like more than my fair share of obnoxious habits. So much so that I'm starting to suspect that it could just be that I'm such a sensitive sort that the merest distraction is enough to make me want to cry like a little... |