The BileBlogIf you have nothing bad to say, say nothingJavaOne EJB 3.0 optimisation...right- May 19, 2006 The current talk I'm in is (allegedly) about EJB 3.0 performance and optimisation. The first ten minutes are, to put it mildly, utterly and thoroughly pointless. What on earth is the motivation to discuss the deploymentinitialisation performance There's next to no magic involved, a bean is created, stuff is injected into it (looked up from JNDI by the container for you if it's a naive implementation, or more optimised, either way, pretty cheap). Once that's done, it's done, init is complete,... JavaOne BEA Keynote- May 18, 2006 Having managed to blag my way into sitting on the second row during the BEA keynote, and having subsequently borrowed a BEA laptop to bile on, I almost feel bad for doing this. Still, it must be done, life can be so cruel sometimes. First we have Bill Roth (BEA VP type dude), who starts off with debunking a lot of the shit that spotty little open sores sycophants have been spooging about in the last year or so. You know the usual crud, opensores will 0wn j00, java is cobol, ruby will make your. JavaOne, day one- May 17, 2006 There's something particularly endearing about standing in the lepers line at a particular session at JavaOne this year. The lepers line, in case you weren't aware, is for the poor sods who showed up to a session thinking they had registered, when they in fact hadn't. You stick you card on the cute little reader, and it flashes an angry accusatory red, insisting you have not registered. The nearest usher will then calmly but surely place you in the lepers line, where you get to shuffle about... Axis2: Why bother- May 8, 2006 The Axis team is kicking up a big fuss about their recent release of Axis 2 (1.0!) Surprisingly, this library is so so abysmally bad, that I have yet to find someone who has managed to successfully use it. I will attempt to give a whirlwind tour of some of the things that are wrong with it. Most of these can be seen through a very very superficial cursory glance, it's stuff that anyone trying a 'hello world' app will run into. The first thing that'd strike any English speaker is how... |