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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for April 2006

The BileBlog

If you have nothing bad to say, say nothing

CodeFutures stuck in the past - April 27, 2006

It is perhaps unsurprising to see vendors who are harmed by Java EE lash out against it. The latest such foray in fan fiction comes from none other than CodeFutures. CodeFutures, for those who don't know (and nobody can blame you, they're a bunch of nobodies desperate to sell a product nobody wants), provides Java persistence code generators. Basically they generate a bunch of poop around hibernate or whatever else you happen to be using. Potentially useful sometimes, hardly earth shattering,..

Why I hate tomcat - April 20, 2006

Everyone uses tomcat, and nobody believes the tiny minority of us who hate it. Tomcat sucks, plain and simple. For such an important piece of infrastructure, you'd like to think that smart people who know a thing or two about good java code were involved. So, in an attempt to prove my point, I will discuss a single class in Tomcat, and we can all have a look at how brilliant the code is. I specifically picked a class that was written by 'important' people, just to ensure you idiots know not to..

WebWork doesn't Get AJAX - April 17, 2006

My adventure with WebWork 2 continues, and the disappointments keep piling on. The problem stems from the fact that almost every framework that sports 'ajax' support seems intent on shoehorning it into the existing paradigms, and so ends up failing miserably when you actually want to do Cool Stuff. Here's a simple example. I have an administration page, which has a number of checkboxes on it. These checkboxes toggle various bits of functionality. So for example, I could click the 'tug penis'...

Vanity Fair - April 12, 2006

I am writing this on behalf of very many people. A huge throng of JBoss ill-wishers, who are dismayed and saddened by their current fortunate turn of events; namely, the RedHat purchase. One has to give them due credit though. It's impressive to be so publicly abusive to a buyer, and have that buyer still cough up untold millions of dollars as a reward. Maybe we should all take a leaf out of that book and fling virtual poo in the vicinity of anyone we'd like to retaliate with some money in our.

TSSJS, slouching towards irrelevance - April 4, 2006

It could be that I'm jaded and cynical. It could be that I've seen one too many events in Vegas. This year's TSSJS was sadly very....tedious. The conference stunk of TechTarget's cheapskate approach in so so many ways. For one thing, trying to cajole speakers into doing at least two talks limits the coverage of the conference, and harms attendees. The entry price was also jacked up (double, I believe) which drove away a bunch of people. The talks were pretty much same old same old, but I...
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