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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for March 2008

Another Electronic Sheep

Another Electronic Sheep -

Little hint.... - March 27, 2008

I'm a fairly easygoing person, as you all well know.So when I say, "You've hurt my feelings", what I really mean "I've taken into account all stress I know of in your life currently and our past history and the fact you're at a point in your life where you feel the need to nuke a lot of your relationships through passive-aggressive sniping, but you have stepped WAY THE FUCK OVER THE LINE and you need to fucking take into account the fact that I am telling you here and now, what you said was NOT.

Hah! - March 26, 2008

I decided a few months ago to quit giving SUPLivejournal money. Because I don't like them very much.They keep sending me frantic notices that my ACCOUNT! OPTIONS! ARE! EXPIRING! Oh noes!The one today I actually bothered to open up. And saw this:If you have any questions or requests, please contact us by replying tothis email. We want to keep you happy. :)Best laugh all day.

o - March 25, 2008

From here:NASA: Mars Rovers Won't Be CutLOS ANGELES (AP) NASA says it has absolutely no plan to turn off either of the Mars Rovers because of budget cuts.NASA is saying Tuesday that it has rescinded a letter that recommended budget cuts in the Mars Rover program to cover the cost of a next-generation rover on the Red Planet.The move comes a day after scientists at the agency's robotics center said they would need to hibernate one of the twin Mars robots and limit the duties of the other...

Open Letter to State Senator Gary George - March 22, 2008

From an interview with Just Out:Just Out: What if an employee is fired because of hisher sexual orientation or gender identity Isn't the Oregon Equality Act in place to guard against such discriminationGeorge: As an employer, I dont wanna hear about it. This workplace is for work purposes. My advice to the gay community is SHUT UP, just dont talk about it.Dear Sen. Gary George:NO.Love,Mary Sue

fanfic Two-Way Mirror (HPNCIS, PG, 297 words) - March 13, 2008

Yes, I wrote it. Or at least part of it. Shutupnow.Tony and Ziva were passing popcorn between themselves. Ziva magnanimously offered some to Tim, but he declined. Oh! Tony said as the door in the interrogation room opened. Turn off your cell phones, the show's about to start.Gibbs was reading a file and ignoring the young man seated at the table. It was okay, though, because apparently the young man was busy ignoring Gibbs and staring at the two-way mirror with a puzzled look on his face.So,...

"Who taught you to be playing patty-fingers in the Holy Water" - March 9, 2008

Was flipping through the channels and saw that The Quiet Man (John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, 1952) was on.I hit the TiVo button and settled down to indulge my incurable romantic side.
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