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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for June 2008

Another Electronic Sheep

Another Electronic Sheep -

ABC Family show: The Middleman - June 17, 2008

Three minutes in, we've got a snarky art school graduate temping at some science lab, a big funky fugly monster, and a nattily attired superhero with fun gadgets. They had me at funky fugly monster. writes Mrs. Mary Sue Middleman in her journal and draws little hearts around it.Ben: It seemed like a good idea at the time.Wendy: So did the Carter Administration.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Because I just saw a commercial on teevee, - June 8, 2008

I need to make this public service announcement.If someone comes up to you and offered you money, eternal youth, and a pony to go on a Japanese game show...RUN! FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR PERSONAL DEITY REPRESENTATIVE, RUN LIKE RABID BADGERS ARE AFTER YOU!(because if you go on a Japanese game show, rabid badgers is one of the milder options)

Panties for Burma - June 2, 2008

Best. Protest. Ever.Ya see, in Burma, women are being kidnapped and basically enslaved by the military, to fetch, carry, and be raped whenever the men want.But, here's the thing: the military rulers of Burma are superstitious about women's underpants. They honest to God believe touching women's knickers or even a woman's skirt will take away their mojo.I am not making this shit up, yo. So, Panties for Burma was born. The addresses of the embassies worldwide are here. Donate that old, worn,...
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