Another Electronic SheepAnother Electronic Sheep - LiveJournal.comFiclet, TWDW10 This is totally Wolfram's fault.- April 30, 2008 Daddy-O gave me this plotbunny almost a week ago. Jackass.So, this is like vaugely anti-canonical because canon is for pussies. And because I want Martha there but don't want to deal with Zombie!Owen. If you don't like that, go write your own bloody story. Not mine, no money, don't sue. Rating Uh, SexImplied and Nekkid... weapons. Plus boykisses!However, it was late one evening with the Hub ticking over smoothly. There was no world-ending case, but increased Rift activity translated into... Store Security- April 27, 2008 I really don't travel outside my neighborhood a lot. There's really not anything I need beyond there. Except my Mom sent me a Target gift card and I wanted a new DS game (I wound up getting Lego Star Wars, which should be renamed Crackity McCrackersons). Mall 205 on a Saturday made me happy, because of all the adorable families running around. And a goodly number of them were speaking Spanish. That also makes me happy because it feels like home. After I paid for the game at electronics and had.. Jonathan Coulton is f'n awesome.- April 26, 2008 If you do not know him, you are missing a fabulous nerd folk singer. A lovely cross-section of Portland's geeks turned out at the Mission and we laughed, we arr!ed, we clamored for snack cakes, and we sang "All we want to do is eat your brains" at the top of our lungs. You missed it. Sucker.Now it's time to eat ice cream and watch fatbabies take on Doctor Who. Everyone's seen the Guy-who-wants-to-touch-women's-boobies post, right- April 23, 2008 If that horror has not hit your RSS reader yet, well, I'm not linking. However, to add to the legions of women who are going, "Hahahaha! No.", I'll just say that the last time someone grabbed my bosoms uninvited, the cops agreed with me that he had the four broken fingers coming and didn't even write my name down.The Management would like to point out that violence doesn't solve anything, but it is at times hi-larious. Oh my God, I'm ranting about AU. Someone take away the sugar.- April 18, 2008 SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! I know most of you only have vauge memories of the TWENTY SEVEN SEASONS of DW before this recent restart, but the Time Lords were not all geeky and spastic.Matter of fact, the Doctor is the freak amongst Time Lords (which, imo, is why he survived the Time War). He was constantly getting hauled before the Guardians (the guys in the funny headdresses and capes at the Vortex flashback) for dicking around where he shouldn't. The rest of the Time Lords were a much more sedate,... Fun Work- April 16, 2008 Our kitchenette is a long, narrow hallway with a door at one end to our conference room, which is a repurposed greenhouse. We have excellent views of all the construction going on in the SoWhat, and there are several potted palms and really nice leather couches in there. I was getting coffee and my coworker came in, flailing about something one department or another was doing. I was at the opposite end of the counter from the greenhouse door, and he opened it up and said, "Wow, it's hot in... I watch too much TV- April 10, 2008 Because the first thing I thought when I saw the new shuttle car system at Heathrow was "Those are just aching to attempt to take over the world, and either the Doctor or Jack or UNIT is gonna have to blow it up." Boom, baby!- April 9, 2008 Ronin's Sword, the Official Last First Draft, is at 1347 words....and COUNTING! Bwahaha.It's also on Google Docs, so if you promise not to laugh want to read it as it appears and promise not to laugh send me your email. Sooper Sekrit Message to Honeybones (and other Seattle-area geeks)- April 3, 2008 Your offer for Emerald City ACCEPTED! We must save many shiny rocks to trade for bail money paper with pretty pictures on it, because Wil just confirmed and while I have Dancing Barefoot, I somehow never picked up a copy of Just a GeekPlus, I cans buy my own tickets. Sonic Screwdriver fund FTW! o Ficlet Ration - Doctor Who Episode Tag- April 2, 2008 Title: RationRating: PGDisclaimer: Not mine, don't sue. Episode Tag for "The Family of Blood". I really like Matron and I also like to explore the fact that the Doctor must, obviously, think a lot differently than normal humans, which lead to the inventive, bordering on the avant-garde narrative style. Since my beloved beta gets antsy when I use run-on sentences, this has not been subjected to her loving edit pen. All errors and annoyances are, therefore, my own. --------------------------The... |