The War JournalThe War Journal - LiveJournal.comIt Always Happens That Way- July 2, 2008 Years ago, one of our old friends fell in love with a Republican. It was dicey at first until she determined through careful examination of his actual political beliefs that they in fact did not disagree on anything so fundamental that it would be a dealbreaker. He was dismayed by the same elements of the Bush regime that most bothered her, and in fact after talking to him about this for long enough she came to be very puzzled about why he was a Republican at all, since he seemed to disagree... Oh Joy- July 1, 2008 Saw this this morning:Obama to Expand Bush's Faith-Based ProgramsAnd, apparently, he is in favor of allowing these "faith-based" organizations to hire and fire based on "faith," or as one would more accurately put it, religious affiliation.I guess if he wins I will probably forgive him for stuff like this. But this confirms my sense that he's not going to be interested in going out on a limb for GBLT folks.On edit: Here's another piece on the same story, with a completely different... |