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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for March 2008

The War Journal

The War Journal -

A Retraction - March 21, 2008

You may remember that on a couple of occasions I have noted that The Twilight Zone does not have any Black people in it. I must now retract that statement. Finally, in Volume 19, which is to say after viewing some 72 episodes, I finally spotted one. Two, in fact. In the episode The 7th Is Made Up of Phantoms, the guy who played Barney on Mission Impossible has a small part as a soldier in the National Guard. And in the episode The Jungle--about the only episode I've seen so far that even...

The Speech - March 19, 2008

We watched Obama's speech over the Internet last night--all 38 minutes of it. Because there are going to be a million people out there addressing the content, let me tell you why listening to that speech has convinced me that although he is certainly a politician and certainly calculating his words in order to win, Obama is at the same time in a different league altogether than the politicians we've been getting used to for the past 10 years.After Edwards dropped out my partner got out Dreams...

Where Does The Sky Begin - March 19, 2008

Today is being observed in the media, apparently, as the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. Going back to the first week of this journal I note that it was not until March 20 that the bombings were broadcast on American TV and not until March 21 that the full scale of "shock and awe" became evident. It's hard to say exactly when the war began, just as it's hard to say right now exactly how it's going to end.I know when I started this journal, though: March 18, 2003. In that first...

Dancing - March 18, 2008

In celebration of the kickoff of this season of Dancing With The Stars, I would like to share with you these words on dancing from G. H. Sandison's etiquette and parlor games manual, How To Behave And How To Amuse, published in 1895 by Historical Publishing Co., H. S. Smith, Proprietor, 3941 Market Street, Philadelphia. From the section on dancing:"There is no place of social life that contains so much of hidden peril as that which relates to dancing. Of itself, there is nothing sinful in...

The Ticking Time Bomb and the Twilight Zone - March 16, 2008

First, a public service announcement: this entry is not about The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street. Just so you know.Since around the time PJ was born I have been working my way through the original Twilight Zone on DVD. I've been doing it on my own, because Liza is not a fan. I talk to her about it anyway, though, and the other day, when we were discussing an episode called I Shot An Arrow into The Air, she came up with a very interesting interpretation of it. In order to tell you what it was,.

The Sadness of Being John McCain - March 6, 2008

You remember that after Huckabee finally conceded (please God keep him out of the VP spot), Bush invited McCain to the White House for a "private lunch." I thought, well, that's going to be an interesting meeting. "Hey, George, remember back in 2000 when your goons were smearing shit all over me and my family and you won the primary cause of that and then you got to be president for 8 years and I was stuck going around to right-wing universities sucking up as best I could and biding my time...

While We Wait - March 5, 2008

I am disappointed to see that the primary contest still drags gruelingly on this morning, but it cannot be helped. In a way it's nice to finally have a primary where ALL the states matter, but I know it's not going to do anyone's nerves any good.So, for those who are weary of the mudwrestling, I offer this rainy day activity: How about we brainstorm ways to pre-empt the smear campaign that will certainly be mounted by the bottom dwellers of the right-wing lagoons as soon as we have an actual or.
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