The War JournalThe War Journal - LiveJournal.comA PastorGate Rant- May 30, 2008 I wrote this up for DU and it will be buried because it's in a thread a million years long, so I'm reposting it here. Enjoy.Context: the Clinton campaign is generating a new Trinity-related controversy by outraging over a guest sermon by one Father Pfleger, a friend of Rev. Wright's and apparently no fan of Hillary Clinton's. The clip is on YouTube. My rant about why I'm sick of the crazy-pastor-trap thing is behind the cut-tag.Nevertheless. Two points:1) This is a tape of Pfleger preaching at.. PersonalPolitical- May 28, 2008 I wrote this up for DemocraticUnderground, where the primary 'debate' has been extremely ugly for quite some time. I am reposting it here because I haven't done a political post in a long time. Yee ha.Yesterday, as I was doing my best to accept the things I cannot change--one of them being an eternal Clinton candidacy, another being the eternal barroom brawl in GD: P--I thought, you know what, I'm really sick of this bullshit about who said what and what it meant and which campaign did what to.. A new song for PJ- May 8, 2008 Brought to you by the latest rhinovirus:My Baby's NosieMy baby's got the sniffles,She has a stuffy nose.She coughs and snorts and whuffles,And sneezes on her toes.I wish that she could breatheAnd eat and drink more freely.But when I try to help,She gets all mad and squealy.CauseMy baby don't care for nose bulbs,Or droplets of saline.She's got no aspirationTo keep her philtrum cleanAnd if I try to wipe it,She squirms and shrieks and moans,CauseMy baby's nosie is her own(shoo be doo bob, a shoo... Is Bush Smarter Than a 10 Month Old- May 5, 2008 Because it's Monday night and I figure everyone could use a laugh:Today lizaetal bought a stroller for PJ (our 10 month old daughter) that came in a big long box. PJ likes crawling through box 'tunnels', so lizaetal opened both ends, cleaned the box out, and put it down on the floor for her to crawl through. PJ kept sticking her head in, then backing out, then crawling halfway in, then backing out. We couldn't figure out why.Finally lizaetal noticed that the flaps at the other end were not... More on race and the Twilight Zone- May 5, 2008 In my last TZ-related post I retracted my observation that th TZ universe was entirely white after spotting a couple of African-American actors in bit parts in "The Jungle" and "The Seventh is Made Up of Phantoms." Several of you mentioned an episode which I believe must be titled "I Am The Night--Color Me Black," which is on one of the DVDs I have yet to view. However, I discovered another one the other day which features African-American actors and which was interesting to me in the context... Catholics and Pastorgate- May 2, 2008 I was listening this morning to a story on the Indiana primary on the local NPR affiliate. They sent one of their reporters down to Hammond to ask Democratic voters about Wright and Obama. It cheered me up to see how hard they had to work to get at least some of these voters to say that they could see how it might be a problem for him, but that it wasn't going to affect their decision. One of the last people they talked to expressed frustration with the whole issue. He said he didn't care about. |