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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for April 2008

The War Journal

The War Journal -

What Is The Matter With People - April 21, 2008

So it's baseball season again, and for once the Cubs are having a good April. They apparently lead the league in pitches taken, which makes a startling change from the past 2 seasons. Anyhow, one of the big deals made in the off season was that we got a Japanese player named Kosuke Fukudome who is an extremely good hitter. Not like Sammy Sosa, who either hit a home run or struck out (and struck out a lot more once he stopped taking the steroids, or so the rumor goes), but good in that when he...

One Year After Virginia Tech - April 16, 2008

Today is the one-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre.Around here the event is being marked by the closings of a number of local colleges, prompted by various anonymous threats of copycat shootings. I hope that none of these threats are actually serious, and are merely the work of people who either really want an extra study day or are competing for the title of World's Biggest ASSHOLE.Obviously the impact is greatest for Virginia Tech's community and for the families of the victims...
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