Tookie GawaTookie Gawa - LiveJournal.comJustification- March 31, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I was trying to come up with a reason to justify my new TV purchase, and I believe I finally found it. Err&8230;rather, I found three reasons to justify it. Foolish purchases- March 27, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I just bought a new TV over the Internet because I was browsing the listings on my current TV and having trouble reading them on the screen. On the one hand, I have been in dire need of a new TV since the moment I bought my current one, a 12&8221; wonder with built-in VHS that cost $30 at Sam&8217;s Club. On the other hand, this is the worst time to be spending this much money on new electronics. Also, re-reading... True story- March 25, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I usually try and avoid talking about work on my blog, I know that&8217;s a one way street to trouble, but I have to share this story that I think is mostly harmless. There was a big meeting at work recently, where I was called upon to describe the status of a project I had been working on. Surrounded by professionals of journalism, accounting and advertising, all of whom have been in their respective industries for... Time in- March 24, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Inspiration comes in the form of a dream&8230;if I can filter out that whacked out shit that is. I lied- March 24, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Remember when I said I was done with Mass Effect I lied. Whatever it was that kept me from enjoying this game cracked over the weekend, and I managed to put in a huge amount of play-time. I got so into it in fact that I apparently got too far and locked myself out of a lot of the sidequests. Oh well. I suppose that&8217;s for the second playthrough, when I pretend to be a lady. Shut up, you all did it before I... NOT MCCOY- March 23, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Remember how earlier in the year, I wrote that whole long post about why the new Law and Order detectives were a dissappointment, and promised to write up a similar post about the prosecutors I meant to do that, but I think I&8217;ll let the Hockey Zombie do it for me. Bullshit indeed! |