Tookie GawaTookie Gawa - LiveJournal.comHaven't done one of these in ages...- May 31, 2008 But I'm bored and at work so here we go.Step 1: Put your mp3 player iTunes on shuffle.Step 2: Post the first line or two from the first 20 songsStep 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.Step 4: For those who are guessing, looking the lyrics up on a search engine is CHEATING!Step 5: If you like the game, post your own.1. Please tell me there's something wrong that I don't see in you.2. Baby once I thought I knew,Everything I needed to know about... Mackenzie is effing metal- May 24, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I think my cat has finally turned the corner on whatever disease she had. I say this because at some point in the last 24 hours a switch went off in her brain that changed her from &8220;Ho, hum, I couldn&8217;t eat a thing,&8221; to &8220;Holy crap. You can see my ribs. I&8217;M STARVING TO DEATH!&8221; She finished all her cat food while I was at work. Not to be deterred by this, she found out where I was keeping... Milk saga- May 19, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Last night, I went downstairs at about 11:00pm to get a cherry coke. I had spent most of the day installing Windows Vista on my computer and dealing with the subsequent fallout, and I finally had things mostly under control. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The 2-liter bottle of Cherry Coke was sitting right in the front, but what caught my eye was the blue half-gallon of milk on its right. I knew this... (Untitled)- May 15, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.We are on the rain-slick precipice of regular updates now that I&8217;m totally moved in. The only thing that needs to happen for regular updates to occur once more is for my cat to stop being sick and to stop bankrupting me with her sickness. At any rate, it&8217;s the tenth anniversary of Frank Sinatra&8217;s death, and as I have nothing poignant to say, I&8217;ll let Kevin Murphy of MST3k fame put it in his own... It moved me- May 8, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Sorry about the lack of updates, but I recently moved to a new place and the Internet isn&8217;t hooked up yet. Qwest says it won&8217;t be back on until Friday at the earliest, so don&8217;t expect to see me until then. |