Tookie GawaTookie Gawa - LiveJournal.comAhem- June 28, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Assume any spelling or grammatical mistakes in my last entry was me being ironic. Yeah, that&8217;s the ticket. Mass migration to Albuquerque this weekend. What originally was just me and Lucas meeting up with Fro and Kara has turned into 23 of the DT coming down. The goal remains the same as before, to remain a pillar of sobriety in the face of overwhelming odds and not get thrown out of any frakking bars (like last.. The beggining of the end- June 26, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I don&8217;t write about my profession or my career much. I became a copy-editor for lack of a better alternative, and I hated it every second of the way. I still copy-edit one day a week, but as soon as I had the chance to get out of that field, I did so. But I feel like I really need to say something about this. It was one thing when they began laying off copy-editors so they could consolidate them into regional... Redriphominone- June 25, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I&8217;m just about done reading Wicked, and was wondering if anyone could reccommend a book for me next. Keep in mind that I prefer scifi and fantasy, although in the last few years, that pendulum has definately swung more often to the fantasy side. I only have one thing to say regarding my lecent lack of updates- June 24, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.&8220;Patrick used &8216;poop.&8217; The attack was ineffective.&8221; It&8217;s like playing baseball with snowballs- June 14, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Spoiler alert, do not read if you haven&8217;t seen any Battlestar Galactica episodes up to and including the latest crime, and intend to at some point. I think that&8217;s mainly Maggy and Katie Read the rest of this entry » A triumph- June 2, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Operation: Great Idea was a huge success. Now to make sure I got all the tags off. I&8217;m a genius- June 2, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I have to be at work in an hour and ten minutes, but I forgot to do laundry this weekend, so I have no clothes that are remotely clean enough to wear to work. The plan Go buy new clothes! I call it Plan: Great Idea! |