Tookie GawaTookie Gawa - LiveJournal.comNotification- April 20, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.If I need to get breast cancer to get Admiral Adama to read noir novels to me, than so be it. It&8217;s not ideal, but if that&8217;s what it takes, then that&8217;s what it takes. Problems We got them! Oh yeah!- April 18, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Here&8217;s the problem with DVRs (Digital Video Recorders for those of you still using eight track tapes (lol yaburnt!)). I use them to watch things that a man of my age has no business watching. There, now that that ridiculous sentence is out there for people to take out of context, I can actually explain myself. Superman. Yes, Superman. When I was a kid, I never missed an episode of the X-Men or Spiderman... What are they called..they got pictures like a magazine&8230;.foldouts!- April 17, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Usually I don&8217;t pick up a book that I know I&8217;ll probably dislike. It&8217;s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why would you take a bite of that lemon curry if you know you don&8217;t like curry You&8217;re doing something that will directluy cause you uncomfort. That&8217;s always been my stance on Wicked. I love Stephen Schwartz, so I&8217;m sure he wrote a bang-up musical adaptation, but I don&8217;t need to see. Addendum- April 16, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.My tag cloud informs me that &8220;Cream Cheese&8221; is no longer the most-used tag on this blog O= Apologies all around- April 16, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.Okay, I&8217;ve been very negligent as of late. Partially because I&8217;ve been so busy getting ready to move out and visit California, but also because I&8217;m spending a lot more time on the X-Box since the new TV came. Two games I previously hated that I know enjoy quite a bit are The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Mass Effect, but that&8217;s a whole &8216;nother post for a whole nother time. This post is an... Alas!- April 4, 2008 Originally published at Highly Advanced Cheese. You can comment here or there.I&8217;m getting kicked out again. I have until May 2 to find a new place to live, so again if anyone has any tips or leads on places, please let me know. |