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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for July 2008 - Al Kamen's In The Loop Column

Al Kamen's In the Loop column reports on the latest comings and goings in official Washington,from White House personnel to lobbyists to members of Congress.

And a Wildebeest in Every Pot - July 23, 2008

Sometimes even the most altruistic notions come to naught. Take the nifty idea of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) to help the neediest of the needy: the 230,000 refugees in Chad who have fled the slaughter in Darfur and are desperately in need of food.

Put a Caipirinha in Your Tank - July 18, 2008

The country's looking for independence from foreign oil. Lawmakers are listening to ethanol promoters tout the value of plant-based fuels -- corn or switch grass or sugar cane -- as an alternative.

Not a Green-Letter Day on Capitol Hill - July 16, 2008

B arbara Boxer (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, asked Vice President Cheney on Nov. 1 for documents on the White House's reported watering down of testimony by the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about global warming's harmful effects on public health.

Iran Apparently in Possession of Photoshop - July 11, 2008

It's customary for nations to do a bit of chest-thumping as they are about to begin negotiations, which Iran has agreed to consider in a meeting next week with European Union official Javier Solana. The idea is to do something that your opponents will see as a sign of strength before talks begin, especially, in this case, when the talks involve your nuclear program.

Sorry About That 'Political Dilettante' Part, Mr. Prime Minister - July 9, 2008

Six months to go and the wheels seem to be seriously wobbling on the Bush administration. First, the White House had to apologize to South Korea for announcing prematurely that President Bush would be visiting that country in conjunction with his trip to the Olympics in Beijing.

Where Will Fredo Pop Up Next - July 4, 2008

First he popped up at Friday night's baseball game between the Nats and the O's. Next thing you know, he's in the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday as an op-ed columnist.

I Feel Pretty and Witty and . . . What - July 2, 2008

Having an "auto-replace" filter seemed like a good notion at the time to folks at the conservative American Family Association's Web site. There were certain words that would pop up from time to time in the Associated Press stories that moved onto the site that were a bit salacious, or unacceptable to post.
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