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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for March 2008 - Al Kamen's In The Loop Column

Al Kamen's In the Loop column reports on the latest comings and goings in official Washington,from White House personnel to lobbyists to members of Congress.

No Solidarity for Envoys to Poland - March 28, 2008

At the State Department, the ideological splits usually divide the hawks and doves, the internationalists and the isolationists, the pragmatists and the human rights supporters.

Iraqi Spies and the Voodoo Secret - March 26, 2008

Media reports on the Pentagon's five-volume translation of truckloads of Saddam Hussein- era documents tended to skim the surface, picking the highlights and the obvious, such as the absence of evidence of an "operational relationship" between Hussein and al-Qaeda.

Singer Was Bush's Mystery Dinner Host. No, Not That Singer. - March 19, 2008

The mystery is solved. Thanks to a devoted Loop Fan, we now know that the host of Friday's $1.4 million Republican National Committee fundraiser at the famed Beresford co-op in New York -- headlined by President Bush -- was none other than Paul Singer, the hedge fund billionaire and renowned "vulture capitalist."

Politicians Spanked by Virgin - March 14, 2008

Seems just about everyone has been seizing on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's misfortune to score legislative points or make a buck.

OMG, DHS! ASICs and OTMs! - March 12, 2008

The illegal immigration issue seems to have quieted some on the presidential campaign trail. But Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) tried valiantly to highlight the problem at a House Homeland Security Committee markup of a bill designed to protect the country from chemical attack.

The Face of DHS Looks a Little Pale - March 7, 2008

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff apparently forgot the adage "When you're in a hole, stop digging."

'Regime' Changed - March 5, 2008

The annual State Department human rights reports on conditions in various countries often spark internal tussling over tone and nuance.
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